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Jl. Teuku Umar-Sultan Agung No. 1, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, City Center, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 35132,City Center,Bandar Lampung,Indonesia
Radisson Lampung Kedaton是商务人士和观光游客出行桑卡兰科伊尔的理想下榻之处。 住宿为顾客配备了一系列的设施和服务,旨在让各位住客能够享受更多舒适与便捷。 Radisson Lampung Kedaton的工作人员秉承顾客至上的服务理念,为您提供宾至如归的入住感受。 部分客房内设 WiFi上网, 空调, 闹钟, 电视, 吹风机等设施,加上温馨舒适的设计装饰,定能带给住客宾至如归的感受。 住宿内设多种休闲娱乐设施。 在 Radisson Lampung Kedaton 住宿期间,这里温馨的气氛和一流的服务将带给您宾至如归的感受。
Jl. Teuku Umar-Sultan Agung No. 1, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, City Center, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 35132,City Center,Bandar Lampung,Indonesia
Disclaimer: We are partners of Ctrip (including Tongcheng Elong, Qunar,Zhuna, etc.), booking, Agoda and Expedia. We only provide Radisson Lampung Kedaton online booking service for you. Your reservation will be forwarded to the hotel by Ctrip, Tongcheng Elong and other partners. If there are problems such as liquidated damages, Tongcheng ELong or Ctrip will deduct the money and transfer it to the hotel, We are not the official website of Radisson Lampung Kedaton, please know.
All rights reserved | 楠榜科达顿丽笙酒店 ◎ Radisson Lampung Kedaton